New Website with Additional Resources:
I created a website to supplement my substack. Tons of additional resources including must-read books, thoughtful podcasts, longer essays, and more.
As I noted in my most recent article, I’ve been working on another project over the last few months—a full-scale website to supplement my writing. I still have MANY topics I hope to address soon on this stack, but I wanted to take this post to share the new site with all my subscribers. I hope you find it to be a helpful resource that is easy to navigate and use!
Why Another Website?
Substack will still be my main outlet for composing articles and posting regular content, but I wanted to create a site with resources that cannot be as easily shared on Substack. Over the years I’ve had countless people ask me for articles, podcasts, or books that I would recommend on various subjects, and many others have asked about authors, speakers, reporters, and news sources I trust. I’ve published a few posts over the past several months with links to important thinkers, trustworthy journalists, and alternative media sites, but I wanted somewhere to highlight these recommendations more prominently. All of this material can now be found on my personal website as well as my substack, but on the new site I have also included compilations of books, podcasts, and articles in addition to more of my own work (longer essays, papers, sermons, etc.). It’s taken quite a bit of time to build this site, and I’d be honored if you would take a few moments to give it a look.
Two-Minute Overview
Here’s a link to the site’s homepage:
Here’s a link to the about page:
While I love the pictures of my family on the about page, I think the most important part is the “about this site” section that explains the site in more depth (scroll past the pictures, or click this link to be taken directly to that part of the page). Here’s a brief excerpt:
Unlike most personal websites, I’ve designed this site not simply to highlight my own work and writings but also to direct to the work of others. My primary concern is not that my own writings become well known or that my own content be widely shared; rather, my main concern is that those who visit this site will become better equipped to investigate various issues in order to find the truth. If you’ve scrolled through the home page, you will notice three primary sections (the same sections linked at the top of every page): Finding the Evidence, Engaging the Evidence, and Your Word is Truth.
Must-Read Books
Perhaps the part of this site that will be most helpful to readers (and that could not be easily shared on Substack) is the curated list of books. If you click the link below, you can select a category from the list at the top of the page or continue scrolling to view the twelve most formative books I’ve read over the past 15 years. All of these books have challenged me to think more clearly and carefully about a host of issues and have stirred my heart to love what is true, good, and beautiful. I’ve provided brief descriptions of each of these twelve books as well as links to purchase or download them for anyone who desires to read them. Links to additional categories of books (e.g., history, ethics, theology, politics, worldview, culture, and even children’s books) can be found at the very top of the page. I hope you find the descriptions on these pages to be helpful as well. Here’s the link:
Forthcoming Articles
It’s difficult to keep up with all the important events of the past few months. I’d love to write on all of them, but in order to devote adequate time to researching these events and to crafting worthwhile articles, my current aim is to publish on the following topics in the coming months.
Examining Media Bias and Agendas: Not Only Left vs. Right but Up vs. Down
When most people think of media bias and agendas, they often think of left and right, progressive vs. conservative, etc. While it’s true that some networks skew right and others lean left, this is by no means the only bias that matters. Nearly every major media network and news outlet is owned by one of a few major corporations, leading to reporting that is driven by agendas and narratives and not by a search for the truth.
Fighting the Transhumanist, Technocratic Future
I had no idea just how close we were to a transhumanist future until reading more over the past 18 months, but breathtaking technological advances have made possible what was only science fiction ten years ago. Combine these technological capabilities with the desire of some individuals to “play god” and to create “better” humans, and you have the makings of a transhumanist future under the technocratic control of the elites.
The WEF and the Great Reset
An overview of the World Economic Forum’s push for a “Great Reset” and what it means for our lives, freedoms, and property. I’ve wanted to write on this topic for over a year and have compiled many videos and articles in the course of my research. I hope to formally publish my findings soon.
“Climate Change” as a Means of Control
This article will build on the WEF article mentioned above and will show how the threat of “climate change” is being used to gain further control of world populations. Think “climate lockdowns” and “flattening the curve” of energy use.
One Final (and Important!) Update
In addition to publishing longer articles on the topics listed above, I hope to develop a more regular rhythm for this stack by the end of September; specifically, I’m hoping to create a more reliable schedule for weekly and monthly posts, including more short posts that link to additional content. I plan to release this schedule during the last week of September.
As always, THANK YOU to everyone for reading and sharing my work. And to those who have graciously decided to support my work by becoming paid subscribers, I sincerely appreciate your investment. Your generosity has helped finance the development and maintenance of both of these sites and has afforded me more time to follow the evidence wherever it leads.
For liberty and truth,