While the World Is Focused on Ukraine, Governments Are Implementing Even More Authoritarian Policies
What's happening in Ukraine is undoubtedly important, but what governments and other powerful interests are planning (and have already implemented) must not be ignored.
I initially wrote on the conflict in Ukraine six weeks ago, and as I explained in a recent post, I hope to link to additional resources on that conflict soon. What’s happening there now is undoubtedly important, and we should pray for an end to the fighting and for the protection of the countless civilians who have been displaced by the conflict. We must also pray for the many families who are grieving the loss of loved ones. But in this article I want to alert my readers to some of the authoritarian policies that are being implemented while the world has been focused on Russia and Ukraine.
(1) Interview with Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist turned counter-extremism activist.
I should have shared this podcast when I first listened to it a month ago, but what Maajid Nawaz spoke about in this February 19th interview is even more relevant now (prescient, really). The entire interview is fascinating, but the last hour or so highlights the efforts of governments and other powerful interests to bring about a truly totalitarian world. Specifically, Nawaz explains the push by many Western governments to implement programmable digital currency, which would enable a kind of total authoritarian control that most cannot even imagine (the control the Chinese government exercises over its citizens is the closest approximation of where these efforts will lead if they succeed). Finally, Nawaz clarifies that the present struggle of our day is “not left versus right but up versus down.”
(2) This Pivotal Moment—A 17-minute Video on the Dangers of Digital IDs and Vaccine Passports
If you want to see the type of society that vaccine passports and digital IDs would create, please watch this short video. The stakes literally could not be higher. The only hope we have to resist these totalitarian efforts is for more and more people to understand where these technocratic policies lead so that they are enabled and emboldened to take a stand. Vaccine passports have never been about health but have always been about control. Most people simply do not realize how much control these measures would give to governments and other powerful interests.
(3) The World Economic Forum and Digital IDs
If you have not heard of the World Economic Forum (WEF), take a few minutes to watch these short videos produced by the WEF before scrolling through one of their most recent policy documents on digital IDs. I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist for even mentioning the WEF and their global agenda, but the evidence continues to mount that the WEF is greatly influencing the policies of many Western governments, not only on covid policies like lockdowns and vaccine mandates but on economic policies as well. In addition the videos, here’s one brief article the WEF authored in Forbes six years ago:
Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better
Here are the videos:
Finally, here’s the recent document that highlights the WEF push for digital IDs:
Advancing Digital Agency: The Power of Data Intermediaries
I have been compiling evidence on WEF policies and their infiltration of Western governments for nearly a year and hope to write a more comprehensive article on this topic soon, but the Nawaz podcast above provides a brief but thorough overview of their efforts (the last hour or so of that interview).
(4) An Overview of Authoritarian Controls
The following Twitter thread links to a host of well-sourced articles that show much of the recent efforts by governments and international organizations to implement these authoritarian controls.

Closing Thoughts
I hope to elaborate on these issues more soon, but I wanted to share these links now so that readers can be aware of what is coming. We must also prepare and be willing to resist these authoritarian policies. As the Pivotal Moment video above shows, humanity really is at a crossroads, and if digital IDs and programmable currencies are ever fully implemented, the world in which we live—and the world our children will inherit—may be worse than the worlds described in dystopian fiction like 1984 and Brave New World.
Finally, if you want to see how tyrannical governments have come to power not only in dystopian fiction but in the real world, please consider reading my review of Milton Mayer’s They Thought They Were Free that I published last month. If we are not careful, we could all be complicit in these authoritarian policies just as ordinary Germans allowed and enabled the Nazi regime to seize control of every part of German life. What happened in Germany in the 1930s and 40s was horrific, but as the review shows, our world is headed down a similar path but with an even greater capacity for total control. Imagine a world where Hitler possessed the technologies we have in 2022. Would any Jews have been able to escape Nazi Germany? Would any German citizen even have the ability to resist? We don’t want to think about these questions, but we must if we want to prevent the worst from happening.